Frequently Asked Questions

If you regret your registration, please let us know as soon as possible (  We will refund your entire payment until three weeks (21 days) before the Rainbow Dinner event is held. If you regret less than 21 days (which is no later than the third last Saturday before the event at 18.00) before Rainbow Dinner is held, your registration is binding and we will not refund your payment.

Read more in our purchase and delivery terms.

Behind every Rainbow Dinner event lies a major logistics project. Every event takes place in pairs (you and your travel buddy) and requires at least 56 rainbow people to ensure that no pair meets each other twice in one evening (except for the afterparty). As with all other events, there are always some last-minute cancellations. Hence, there is good opportunity to join even if you registered for the waiting list.

You are guaranteed a ticket for the afterparty - no matter what
When you sign up for the waiting list, you are automatically guaranteed a ticket to the afterparty. This also applies, even if there are not enough cancellations for us to guarantee you a spot for the dinner event.

What happens if I'm on the waiting list?
All attendees will receive their itineraries on the Thursday before the Rainbow Dinner event. Sometimes, a few people can't get in contact with their travel buddy or we'll receive last-minute cancellations. This is where we use the waiting list to correct for these cancellations. If you are on the waiting list, we may therefore contact you the last minute to find out if you still have the time and opportunity to participate, after which we will send you a itinerary so that you can join. Of course, we do this as quickly as possible, but it can of course be at fairly short notice, depending on when we receive the cancellation. We will typically have managed most of the cancellations by Friday, but cancellations may still come in during Saturday, when the Rainbow Dinner event takes place.

What happens if I registered on the waiting list, but don't get the chance to attend the Rainbow Dinner event?
If you've registered on the waiting list, but don't get the chance to join the Rainbow Dinner event, we will refund your entire registration fee to us the following Monday. This also applies if there wasn't enough cancellations for the dinner event to secure your participation - and even if you participated in Rainbow Dinner's afterparty.

Running Rainbow Dinner is neither free nor straightforward. The payment you make to join Rainbow Dinner events covers the work behind it to ensure you the best conditions for an amazing evening - including operating Rainbow Dinner, rental of location for afterparty and a number of services related to the event, such as help to the logistics behind.

In addition to the registration fee - you pay for the meal that you and your travel buddy prepares, the transportation between the meals, your drinks during the evening and the drinks you buy for the afterparty.

If you don't receive an order confirmation immediately after completing your registration, try to check if our email has landed in your spam filter (the folder can also be named "Junk", "advertisements", "spam", "clutter", "junk mail" or equivalent). If you have not received an email from Rainbow Dinner here either, then contact us here - perhaps an error has crept into the email address we received from you…

If we have confirmed that we will make a refund to you (i.e., if you have signed up for the waiting list without joining the Rainbow Dinner event or if you regret your registration), the refund will be made automatically by us - and it will typically take a few days before the refund goes through (depending on which bank you use).

If you haven't received the refund within a few days, we recommend that you check your bank account again after a day or two, as it may take some time before the refund is officially posted. Next, you can contact your bank, as there is often some processing time before refunds goes through. If you have done all of this and you still have not received your refund, please contact us at:

According to the Personal Data Act (Persondataloven), you have the right to be informed about the processing of personal data and we also ask you to give us consent for Rainbow Dinner to process information about you.

When you visit our website, our web server automatically registers your IP address, the website you visit us from, the pages you visit and the date and duration of your visit.

We only store the personal data you provide to Rainbow Dinner when you sign up for our events, our newsletter, or create a profile on our website.

This is the information about you, which we will give to your travel buddy
You and your travel companion must be able to contact each other. That is why we pass on your name, telephone number and email to your travel companion. If you're hosting, we also pass on your address - both to your travel buddy and to the three other travel couples who come to visit for a meal.

We only pass on your contact information to our partners, such as event locations, to the extent necessary to carry out the event (which it rarely is).

You have the right to be informed about what information we have registered about you, and to object to a registration in accordance with the Personal Data Act. If the information is incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant, you have the right to have the information corrected or deleted.

If you would like more information or change your information, please feel free to contact us at:

Yes, everyone has to cook. All participants are put together in pairs (we call them "travel couples", because you "travel" together for the evening's three meals). Each travel couple is tasked with cooking one of the evening's three meals. Those who signed up as hosts get a small extra task; which is to house the meal that you prepare with your travel buddy. All meals are for eight people in total.

Absolutely. Rainbow Dinner is not about you having to be at master chef – it's about the social experience in the LGBT community and meeting other rainbow people on an equal footing. If you don't feel confident about your skills in the kitchen, you may find that your travel partner can do a little bit more magic - so let your travel buddy lead the way. Certainly, you can peel potatoes or cut onions anyway. Now, if your travel buddy is really good at cooking and practically solves the task themselves (some do prefer that) - then make sure to clean up a bit along the way (remove the bowls that your travel buddy no longer uses) and to keep your travel buddy's cooking-wine-glass full. As one of our participants said: "It's actually quite amazing how much fun you have and how well you get to know each other - while doing something as mundane as peeling onions". 

Our experience is that the Rainbow Dinner participants are surprisingly positive - and positively surprised. This, of course, can be due to several things, but what we hear is that people appreciate the chance to meet a lot of new rainbow people - completely without the pressure of expectations (which is sometimes present in a dating context) and that it's less about the superficial "hook-up-thing", which you more often find in a gay bar (or on hook-up apps). People meet each other with openness, interest, respect and tolerance - and this makes the whole thing a little less superficial than you would normally experience at a gay bar or on a hook-up app. In addition, each Rainbow Dinner event also becomes its own little bubble, where people ask about where you have been, what meals you have made and had and which rainbow people you have met on your way (hence, the concept itself is a good conversation starter). It's also not unusual for some participants to leave the afterparty - hand-in-hand... 

The average age is around 35 years. The age range between the participants typically ranges from approx. 21 years – approx. 60 years. Most participants are somewhere between 28 and 38 years old.

That is most often possible. Please, write us at, and we'll look at it.

Yes. There are no restrictions on what you can serve. You and your travel buddy will be tasked with preparing either a starter, main course or a dessert. What you choose to serve is entirely up to you. No one is entitled to get meat or non-vegan. The only thing you have to be aware of is that you can NOT expect others to serve vegan. We occasionally try to gather a purely vegan team. The purpose of this team is that you, as a participant, can count on vegan food being served everywhere you go. 

You can either let us know about your allergies as a comment during the sign-up process - or you can write to us at We'll make sure to pass on the message on the route that you and your travel buddy will get.

You and your travel buddy meet new people at every meal. All travel couples get their own unique itinerary – and the "cards are shuffled" at each dinner course. In total, you and your travel partner will meet 18 other rainbow people during the evening's three meals (three other – NEW – travel couples at each meal). 

Of course, it's probably a little easier for the extroverts to meet new people, but you will be in good hands. The conversation around the table will typically be carried by the extroverts, who simply ask more questions and talk more, but you will find that people do take an interest in you - and will help you join the conversation. At the same time, you will often find that more people around the table ask questions - for example, if a person talks about their profession, more people will be curious and ask questions about it - so it doesn't hang on you to carry the conversation. 

Rainbow Dinner is also for those who don't speak Danish (or don't speak Danish very well yet). If you let us know that you don't feel comfortable with your English skills, we will take this into account when we find you a travel buddy. Of course, we can't always know for sure whether or not others speak Danish, but we can at least avoid assigning you a travel buddy with a non-Danish-sounding name.

Of course, this can happen, but if you try to relax - and meet people with openness, respect and tolerance, then nothing will happen. You will sit 8 people around the table for the starter, main course and dessert - and everyone leaves the table after approx. 1.5 hours, to move on to the next course, where you and your travel buddy meets new people again.

That is most often possible. Please, write us at, that you want to be each other's travel buddies, then we will take care of the practicalities. Please be aware of one thing: As a travel couple, you will be asked to host one meal during the evening. It doesn't require much - you must have enough space for eight people to eat (including you and your travel buddy), for one meal (starter, main course or dessert) and you will have visitors for approx. 1.5 hours, after which everyone moves on to the next meal - in different locations around the city. If you are both registered as guests, please let us know which of you will be hosting.

Yes of course. Rainbow Dinner is more about socializing than dating (although some do find each other at our events). It's possible to sign-up as a couple, where you will become each other's travel buddies - and travel around together. The only requirement we for those who sign up as a couple is that you must host one meal during the evening. It doesn't require much - you must have space enough for eight people to eat (including yourselves), for one meal (starter, main course or dessert) and you will have visitors for approx. 1.5 hours, after which everyone moves on to the next meal - in different locations around the city. 

Yes, you are welcome to join, even if you are heterosexual. All we ask of you is; that you respect the premise that Rainbow Dinner takes place on Rainbowland's terms - meaning that you will meet a lot of gay and bisexual people - and everything else that falls under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella. Hence; meet others with openness, respect and tolerance - and everyone will have an amazing evening. If you, as a heterosexual, are curious about your own sexuality, Rainbow Dinner is a really good place to meet rainbow people - without risking anything. Rainbow Dinner is a "safe space" for rainbow people. Alternatively, if you, as a heterosexual, are mostly curious about the "running dinner" concept itself - then we recommend joining, who is doing running dinners in Copenhagen for heterosexuals (more dating-based, where the travel couples consist of a man and a woman). 

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