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5,00 kr.

When you sign up for the waiting list, you pay for participation - just like everyone else. You will then be allocated a spot for the Rainbow Dinner event - when we receive cancellations from those who signed up for the event (cancellations are almost always unavoidable).

Why is there a capacity limit on Rainbow Dinner events?
To make the logistics behind Rainbow Dinner events succeed, we need a specific number of participants - including a certain number of hosts who open their door for one of the evening's three meals. This is necessary in order to ensure that you get a really good experience at Rainbow Dinner, where you both get a travel buddy, travel around to three different meals - in three different homes - and meet new rainbow people at every meal, which you did not meet at the other meals. In fact, during the evening (and with your travel buddy) you will meet 9 other travel couples, equivalent to 18 other rainbow people.

How does the Waiting List work?
If there are no more available seats for a Rainbow Dinner event, sign up for the waiting list. There are always some last minute cancellations, so there is a good chance to join even if you are on the waiting list. We add people from the waiting list to the event itself as cancellations come in. This is done on a first-come, first-served basis and depending on the type of participant we need (host, guest or couple). If you sign up as a host, you will have a slightly greater chance of joining, as we may both lack hosts - but we can also register you as a guest without having to be a host (even if you signed up as a host in the first place), if there are no more guest registrations on the waiting list that signed up before you.

Changes to your tickets from Rainbow Dinner
We are gradually expanding the capacity for our events in line with the number of registrations that come in. In these cases, we automatically move those who have signed up for the waiting list to the event itself (i.e. your participation is guaranteed and you are no longer on the waiting list). If this happens, you will receive an email stating that “din billet er blevet ændret”. You don't need to do anything.

What if I don't get to participate?
In the event that there are more people on the waiting list than there are seats for at the Rainbow Dinner event, we will make sure to refund your entire registration fee the following Monday. So, you don't risk losing money by signing up on the waiting list - the entire amount is refunded automatically if we can't fulfill your wish to join the event.

Read more about joining the waiting list here.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at info@rainbowdinner.dk.

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