Invite your friends - and earn discounts

Give 50% - get 50%

Give your friends 50% discount when they sign up for at Rainbow Dinner event for the first time. Every time your referral link is used - we'll send you a discount voucher for 50%. Your friends can use your referral link once (the first time they sign up) - every time a friend sign up for the first time - you'll earn another 50% discount for Rainbow Dinner.

>>> How to get started <<<

If we don't recognize you at first, write your email below and generate your referral link by clicking "Generate".

There are three ways of sharing your referral link:

  1. Copy your referral link and share it however you like
  2. Send invitation emails directly from this page. The recipient will get an email from Rainbow Dinner containing your name and your referral link.
  3. Copy the message, which we've prepared in advance (you can edit it if you want) - and send it via e.g. Messenger, Whatsapp, SMS or other media. If your referral link does not end with “.dk/?raf=XXXXXXXXXX” (the X's is your referral code), refresh the page and the link should look right.

Let's get started!

If your referral link does not end with “.dk/?raf=XXXXXXXXXX” (the X's is your referral code), refresh the page and the link should look right.

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