Rainbow Dinner

General terms and conditions

  1. Application of the terms and conditions
    The following conditions apply to all customers who use any kind of service or one of the products Rainbow Dinner ApS (hereinafter referred to as Rainbow Dinner) offers. This is the English version of the general terms and conditions. In case of any confusion, the Danish version will be the most precise.


  2. Agreement
    An agreement to order a service or product, hereinafter collectively referred to as services from Rainbow Dinner, is entered into when ordering on our webshop or by entering into a written agreement. Rainbow Dinner reserves the right to sell its products in bulk, whereby the trade is still subject to these terms, conditions and rights for the customer.


  3. Rights
    Rainbow Dinner retains the ownership and all intellectual property rights to websites, social media, web documents, files, graphics, warnings, newsletters, etc., which have been prepared by Rainbow Dinner. This applies to both current and future editions of the above. Any unauthorized use, distribution, illegal access or copying of the above material or parts thereof is prohibited and can be prosecuted. If the above is desired, it can be done with written permission and with indication of source.


  4. Compensation
    The customer's use of the service is in all respects at their own risk. Rainbow Dinner is solely liable to compensate the customer for any loss resulting from a material defect in the service or any other material breach on the part of Rainbow Dinner. Rainbow Dinner's liability only covers the customer's direct losses, whereas indirect losses and consequential damages, including operating losses, increased operating expenses, lost profits or expenses for loss of data, are not compensated. Rainbow Dinner is not liable for damages if the delay or lack of a service is due to delays, interruptions or disruptions in the communication infrastructure or other suppliers' conditions for which Rainbow Dinner is not responsible. Rainbow Dinner is also not liable for damages incurred by the customer or third parties as a result of the customer's use of results from the service. Rainbow Dinner's total liability constitutes the maximum payment for the service that gave rise to the loss.


  5. Product Responsibility
    Rainbow Dinner is responsible for product damage caused by Rainbow Dinner's services. However, Rainbow Dinner is not liable for indirect losses and consequential damages, including operating losses, increased operating expenses, lost profits or expenses for loss of data, as well as damage caused by the service to real estate or movables. If a third party makes a claim against Rainbow Dinner or the customer for liability in accordance with this provision, the other party must be notified immediately.


  6. Subcontractors
    Rainbow Dinner reserves the right, in accordance with the general rules of Danish law, to use subcontractors and hire external consultants to fulfill its obligations.


  7. Choice of law and venue
    These terms and conditions are subject to Danish law and any legal dispute between you and Rainbow Dinner must be settled in Danish courts.

  8. Force majeure
    Neither party can be held liable for matters beyond their control and which therefore at the conclusion of the agreement could not have been taken into account, nor could have been avoided or overcome. Force majeure can only be invoked if the party in question has given written notice to the other party within three (3) calendar days after force majeure has occurred.


  9. Notification of changes
    The general terms and conditions for Rainbow Dinner are subject to change without notice, but never with retroactive effect, which is why a purchase at Rainbow Dinner will be subject to the applicable terms and conditions at any time, which are accepted by the customer in connection with the purchase.

Rainbow Dinner ApS, København, 20. april 2022.

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