Purchase and delivery terms

These conditions apply to all purchases made with Rainbow Dinner (Rainbow Dinner ApS). In case of confusion, the Danish version of these condition apply.

  1. Prices
    All prices are stated in Danish kroner, including VAT (moms), all Danish taxes etc. The prices are only valid in Denmark.

    If you order from another EU country, Danish VAT and no customs duties are paid according to the rules on the free movement of goods. If you order from a non-EU country, you will not pay Danish VAT, but the goods may be subject to customs and VAT in your home country.

  2. Registration and payment
    Registration for Rainbow Dinner takes place as a ticket order via the website, social media or other media where Rainbow offers your services. As long as the payment is not completed, it is possible to change the order.

    Any discounts are deducted before payment, immediately before the payment page.

    Once you have made a payment, confirmation of the registration will be sent to the e-mail you have provided to us.

    Payment is possiible by credit card, Mobilepay or Paypal


  3. Discounts
    Discounts are settled in relation to the product's normal price, ie. discounts can not be combined with any price reductions and other forms of price reductions in connection with, for example, promotions.
  4. The nature of the service
    Rainbow Dinner provides an itinerary (route plan), which states who your travel biddy is, how to get in touch, which meal to prepare, where to be for the evening's three meals (appetizer, main course and dessert) and information regarding the afterparty.

    Rainbow Dinner does not commit to a specific nature for the afterparty. Depending on what is possible for us, also in relation to the total number of participants for the Rainbow Dinner event, the afterparty can be an exclusive event only for participants for Rainbow Dinner - as well as just a recommendation to meet at a specific place. Rainbow Dinner does not guarantee access for everyone to the afterparty and does not necessarily undertake to finance the afterparty (or parts thereof) either in full or in part.

    Expenses associated with providing the meal that you and your travel buddy must prepare, beverages during the evening and for the afterparty, as well as expenses associated with transportation to, from and between meals, are carried by the participants at the Rainbow Dinner event.

    If Rainbow Dinner offers registration for groups with special needs or character, such as a group for vegetarians, it is up to the participants in the group to adhere to the spirit and purpose of that group. Thus, Rainbow Dinner cannot be held responsible for the group's spirit and purpose not being observed by the group's participants.

    Rainbow Dinner reserves the right to make reasonable and necessary changes in connection with your registration if it's necessary in order to make the logistics behind the event go up. Such changes may, for example, be to close down a vegetarian group and put its registered participants together with other groups (where the other participants have not committed to a vegetarian purpose), if there are too few registrations for the logistics to go up. In such cases, Rainbow Dinner will contact you as soon as possible with information about the change as well as an offer to cancel your purchase.

    As Rainbow Dinner events depend on a specific number of participants, in order to be completed, it may be necessary to announce that you have been placed on a waiting list in which case there is no guarantee that you will be able to attend the event. This will be done on a first-come, first-served basis, which is why the time of purchase for your purchase will be crucial. In such cases, Rainbow Dinner will contact you as soon as possible with information about this as well as an offer to cancel your purchase.

    Distance limit as host (valid for Copenhagen) | "The 45-minute Rule"

    To ensure that the Rainbow Dinner event can work, it is necessary to ensure that the distance between the meals is not too great, whereby the evening's participants would spend a significant part of the time on transport in ex. public transport. Thus, it's not possible to host a meal at a Rainbow Dinner event if the transportation time to the host location exceeds 45 minutes from the nearest S-train station - measured from Copenhagen Central Station with S-train as the means of transportation. Rainbow Dinner reserves the right to refuse hosting or change the registration from host to guest for registered hosts, if the host location exceeds the 45-minute rule. 

  5. Service delivery
    By registering for a Rainbow Dinner event, you will, no later than 48 hours before the event in question is held, receive an itinerary per the e-mail you have provided to us. The itinerary is our only fixed delivery in connection with a Rainbow Dinner event. The itinerary contains everything you need in order to complete the event - including information about travel buddy, locations for meals and information about any afterparty.

    In addition to the itinerary itself, Rainbow Dinner provides assistance in the event of, i.e., cancellations from your travel buddy or from hosts that you should visit according to the itinerary. This is done by contacting Rainbow Dinner or by Rainbow Dinner contacting you - depending on which party first becomes aware of the disruption to the programme.

    In case of cancellation or other factors affecting the program planned in the itinerary, Rainbow Dinner will try to find a solution. This can be in the form of compensation for either your travel buddy or for the host who may suddenly cancel. There is no guarantee that Rainbow Dinner will find a replacement, which is why you may have to accept a reasonable emergency solution from Rainbow Dinner. Depending on the nature of the inconvenience, this could be, for example, carrying out the event without a travel buddy or financial compensation (full or partial refund of your own purchase price) in the event that a host cancels. It is also possible that we offer a discount of at least 50% for a later Rainbow Dinner event of your choice. Rainbow Dinner will have a dialogue about this with you.

    In the event that you cancel yourself, the provisions on the right of withdrawal apply.

  6. Right of complaint
    As the service from Rainbow Dinner is intangible and is consumed in its entirety on the day on which the Rainbow Dinner event in question is held, no right of complaint or exchange is granted.

    However, your right of complaint applies in the event that Rainbow Dinner has not complied with its obligations - and thereby has not delivered the expected service. The service for a Rainbow Dinner event consists of; confirmation for registration, itinerary for the evening and assistance in connection with. cancellations or similar factors affecting the program planned for the event in the itinerary.

    Rainbow Dinner can not be held responsible for the meals served (appetizer, main course and dessert) as well as for their content, as it is up to each individual travel couple to decide, buy for and prepare them. Likewise, Rainbow Dinner can not be held responsible for expenses or inconveniences associated with transportation to, from and between the locations where the individual meals are served. Rainbow Dinner can also not be held responsible for the nature of the afterparty. The afterparty can be both an exclusive event only for participants of the Rainbow Dinner event - as well as a recommendation for a common meeting place (see the provision on the nature of the service).

  7. Right of withdrawal
    You are free to cancel your registration for Rainbow Dinner (and thus your purchase) until three weeks (21 days) before the actual event. Rainbow Dinner events always start on a Saturday, which is why your right of cancellation always expires on the third last Saturday before the event itself, at 18.00.

    If you cancel your registration after the cancellation period has expired, your right of cancellation expires and we reserve the right not to refund your purchase.

    You can also freely choose to have your registration moved to another Rainbow Dinner event - however only until the expiry of the cancellation period, as described above.

    The cancellation period is necessary, because cancellations made after the cancellation period has expired can have critical consequences for the entire Rainbow Dinner event, which is dependent on the logistics working out. Thus, cancellations means that Rainbow Dinner only has limited time to find a replacement (new participant) to fill the vacancy, which can also have financial consequences for us - not least if the event has to be canceled as a consequence of cancellation.

    If Rainbow Dinner makes any changes to the nature of the event or to your registration, which exceeds the cancellation deadline, your full right of withdrawal applies. You are thus entitled to cancel your registration - and we will refund your entire registration fee.

    When you cancel a purchase, within the provisions of the right of withdrawal, we refund the registration fee, cf. our provisions on refund - unless you wish to have your registration moved to another Rainbow Dinner event.

    Notice of cancellation of the purchase should be given in writing to: info@rainbowdinner.dk.

  8. Refunds
    Rainbow Dinner provides a full refund in connection with an approved complaint or when using your right of withdrawal. Upon refund, the purchase price will be transferred to the account we have registered in connection with the purchase. Refunds will be made as soon as possible and initiated no later than within 72 hours after we have approved your complaint or received your notice of cancellation of the purchase, within the provisions of the right of withdrawal.

    Terms of purchase for the webshop are at all times subject to the general terms and conditions of Rainbow Dinner.

These conditions are related to our general terms and conditions, concerning i.a. rights, responsibilities, rights, force majeure, notification, etc.

Rainbow Dinner ApS, København, 3. august 2022.

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