Get a 40% student discount!

Are you ready to meet new rainbow friends in Copenhagen - for an unforgettable evening filled with hygge, fun and exciting conversations? 🌈

How to get your 40% student discount

Because the tight student budget should not exclude you from meeting other rainbow people at Rainbow Dinner 🙏
  1. Please, contact us at
  2. Provide documentation that you are an active student* (e.g. copy of your student ID, curriculum for this year, etc.).
  3. We'll send you your own personal discount code of 40% for Rainbow Dinner by email once we have approved the documentation. The discount code is valid for 2 years - and can be renewed in the same way.
Once we've sent you the discount code, we delete the documentation you provided.
* The student discount option is valid for all students throughout the country – not just in Copenhagen. However, you must be 18 years of age.

How Rainbow Dinner works...

You'll be matched with a travel buddy for the evening and together you'll prepare one of the three meals of the evening. Let's be honest: Crying simultaneously over chopping onions is just a great way to meet new people 😅

Starter, main course and dessert are enjoyed in three different, private homes (at different locations in the city), where you'll meet new people each time. So you'll both get good food AND new friends at the same time! At midnight we'll meet at one of Copenhagen's most well-known and LGBT-friendly nightclubs. Here, the party continues at our own venue with our own bar, bartender and with reduced prices in the bar - as well as full access to the rest of the nightclub - including the disco-drag-party! 🎉 ...oh yes - of course there's also a free and staffed cloakroom.

Read more about how Rainbow Dinner works here.

A tight student budget should not prevent you from meeting exciting rainbow people 🙏

As a student in Copenhagen, you face one of the most magical periods of your life 🤩
The future lies at your feet - and you'll have the opportunity to pursue your interests at one of Copenhagen's great universities, where you'll meet a lot of exciting people along the way. Perhaps you have just moved to Copenhagen to study - and need to build your rainbow network in the city. As an LGBT student, there are of course many opportunities to do so. One of the most effective ones - if you're looking for new rainbow friends - is Rainbow Dinner.
Rainbow Dinner was created to bring rainbow people together - whether it's for friendships, dates or hook-ups. In all modesty, we do that quite well. In fact, 94% of our participants believe that we make it easier to strike up a conversation with other rainbow people than what they experience elsewhere (e.g. in the Copenhagen nightlife, via apps, at university or in the sports club).
And it works. No less than 6 out of 10 meet someone at Rainbow Dinner with whom they keep in touch afterwards. And we know of many new friendships between rainbow people who met each other at Rainbow Dinner 🫶
The participants at Rainbow Dinner are typically between 22 - 65 years old, while most are 28 - 42 years old.

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